NM Educational Retirement Board Divestment Campaign
The Santa Fe Dreamers Project, in collaboration with other immigrant advocacy organizations, has launched a campaign to encourage the NMERB to divest from private companies that operate for-profit immigration detention centers here in New Mexico. The NMERB currently owns shares of CoreCivic and the Geo Group. You can find more information about the campaign here: https://prisondivestsfdp.org
Follow this link to sign the online petition: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AVWfZqPIhk1pwFniovjrs14ZEHh94niOGDfEkBBzAdI/viewform?edit_requested=true
Sign up to Receive Updates from UNM Sanctuary Campus
UNM Faculty & Instructors stand in solidarity with undocumented students & community members by pushing to make UNM a Sanctuary Campus. If you would like to receive updates from UNM Sanctuary Campus and events and information, please follow complete this form with your information.
Operation Dream Act Now: Sign Making Workshop
NOVEMBER 9, 2017 11 AM — 4 PM (drop in anytime)
Why the Dream Act?
The 2017 Dream Act was crafted by United We Dream leaders to be better and to cover more people than any other Dream Act in history. It reflects the dreams and wishes of immigrant youth leaders from across the country.
2017 Dream Act (in brief)
o Introduced in both House and Senate
o Bipartisan support in both chambers
o Entered the U.S. before the age of 18
o DACA recipients eligible for citizenship within 5 years
o Non-DACA recipients eligible for citizenship within 13 years
UNM Sanctuary Campus: Know Your Rights Training
UNM Faculty & Instructors stand in solidarity with undocumented students & community members by pushing to make UNM a Sanctuary Campus. If you would like to receive updates from UNM Sanctuary Campus and events and information, please follow complete this form with your information.
UNM teaches students how to respond to DACA repeal